

Download our FREE ebooks and keep up-to-date
on grant opportunities and entrepreneurship training:


Explore our courses to help you to find your ideal business how to start your business,
and then determine the critical next steps for your business
Explore our courses to help you to find your ideal business how to start your business, and then determine the critical next steps for your business
Explore your knowledge, interests, skills, risk tolerance, and business types to determine the type of business to start and begin formulating an action plan.
Create a solid plan to transition out of your current job and start your own business using the Upwork platform
Create your Commercialization Plan to obtain clarity with competitive products or services, your preliminary market, and your overall sales and marketing strategy.
Successfully write a business grant in 30 days to obtain funding for your startup or small business.
Create a definitive business roadmap and plan so that you can have clarity in planning your next business steps.

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Free ebooks

Looking to enhance your business skills and improve your chances of success? Download our FREE eBooks and gain valuable insights into key aspects of entrepreneurship and grant proposal writing.

01. Create a Winning Grant Proposal

This Free eBook provides advice to assist you in compiling essential aspects of your grant proposal.

02. Your Value Proposition

Discover how to craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with your target audience and sets your business apart from the competition.

03. Commercialization Planning for New Products

This Free Ebook includes information on effectively conducting market research, performing a preliminary market assessment, and budget and financial considerations