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Design of Experiments (DOE)

07 August 2024
Design of Experiments

Understanding Design of Experiments (DOE)

Design of Experiments (DOE) is an important tool that helps to reduce the amount of experiments required, and study the interaction between variables. It is an important set of tools that allows the experimenter to identify critical variables and variable interactions without performing hundreds or even thousands of experiments.

Traditional Experimentation Methods

In the recent past, almost all scientists and engineers performed experiments by changing one variable at a time (while holding all others constant). Depending upon what the system or experiment is, this may not a bad method, especially if one variable is causing most of the change with the system. However, there are many instances where there is not one main variable that is causing the change in the system — but it is the interaction between one or more variables. DOE will tell you the important factors or interactions to change or experiment with.

Traditional Experimentation Methods

The types of DOEs include:

Steps in Creating a DOE

There are also many other popular DOE types that are used today. The steps to creating a DOE include the following:

Data Analysis in DOE

After the experiments have been conducted, the outputs can be entered into a software, or you can calculate the variances and means manually. There are several plots that can help you to analyze the data from your DOE:
There are also many other traditional plots that can be used to study the DOE dataset, such as:
Examples of the main effects, interaction, and multivariate plots are shown below:

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