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Designing And Building Fuel Cells

McGraw-Hill wanted a fuel cell textbook that would appeal to professionals in industry, professors, college students, and regular people that are interested in fuel cell technology.

14 August 2024


Textbook Development for McGraw-Hill

I wrote this textbook from the perspective of trying to help new engineers learn about this technology. I pitched this idea to McGraw-Hill based upon my experience as a new engineer trying to piece together all of the important elements and areas of understanding to design and build fuel cell stacks and advance fuel cell technology.

Overview of the Textbook Content

This textbook was written for McGraw-Hill in 2006 – 2007. The Table of Contents for this report is given here. The textbook is 434 pages with over 120 illustrations. The main topics in this textbook are: fuel cell applications, the hydrogen economy, fuel cell electrochemistry, thermodynamics, charge transport, mass transport, heat transport, fuel cell modeling, fuel cell materials, stack components, stack design, system design, fuel types, delivery and processing, operating conditions, and characterization.

Client background information

Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies is a leading global financial information and education company. Designing and Building Fuel Cells was written under the McGraw-Hill Professional company. McGraw-Hill Professional is a leading global provider of print and electronic content and services for the medical, technical, and business communities. Its offerings include reference and certification books for all professional and educational disciplines and online solutions on medical and health, engineering, business, and scientific topics.

List of services provided

1. Scientific and technology research: Extensive research was conducted on fuel cell applications, the hydrogen economy, fuel cell electrochemistry, thermodynamics, charge transport, mass transport, heat transport, fuel cell modeling, fuel cell materials, stack components, stack design, system design, fuel types, delivery and processing, operating conditions, and characterization.
2. Scientific/technical writing: The textbook was written for professional, collegiate, and regular people with a scientific/technical background.
3. Mathematical modeling: The textbook includes one chapter specifically on mathematical modeling, and includes basic modeling in the areas of thermodynamics, electrochemistry, mass, and heat transport.

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