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Patent Analysis

07 August 2024

**Conducting a Comprehensive Patent Search**

A comprehensive patent search can be conducted using specific or combinations of keywords. The search can include one or more of the following types:

**Patent Analysis**

Usually hundreds or thousands of patents will appear, and these may cover a process, product or technology, or combination of these. Each patent is examined to ensure that it is related to the topic of interest. The patent analysis can be divided as follows, and further subdivided into more specific categories:

**Summary of Patent Analysis**

A thorough summary of each patent is given as part of the patent analysis in the report Appendix. A few sample graphs that are often included in a patent analysis are shown in Figure 1 and 2.

**Explanation and Visualization of Technology**

In addition, in order to explain and visualize the technology, many types of description, tables and diagrams may be included (depending upon the scope of the project):