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Thinking about a business to start

Discovering what you are meant to do with your life can improve your outlook, attitude and your passion for life. It can help you to avoid spending years of your life being unfilled.
By Bella Milo and Colleen Spiegel
09 August 2024
Thinking about a business to start
Each one of us has unique talents and a different purpose for living. Often a job and a business are not synonymous, and sometimes the value and meaning in our lives are not related to a business. However, if you are in the process of choosing a business, you will be happier in the long-term if you enjoy what you do. In other words, good businesses are those in which the people working in them do what they love and love what they do. It is quiet easy to distinguish between a person who loves what he or she does from another one who does not. When it comes to the process of discovering and planning your business, the following pointers need to be considered:

Put it in writing

The first step is to pen it down. Put your vision, dreams and aspiration on paper. This is an important step that will help give your life direction. You will be able to see exactly where you are going, and you can plan how you can accomplish your goals. Think about what your ideal vocation should be and put it into writing. Name the page “My Vocation”. Then begin writing whatever comes to mind. It should be something that allows you to accomplish what you want to do. While writing this paragraph, ask yourself some of these questions: By answering these questions, you will have established your business:

What do you dream about doing?

Write down every dream that comes to mind. For example, write down dreams of improving the livelihood of the people in your community, owning a business, becoming the best preacher, teacher, doctor, lawyer, insurance broker, and any other dream that comes to mind. Remember you are free to dream — so dream big and write them down.

Do you feel a need to do something in particular?

After listing your dreams, ask yourself if there is a particular need that you can address. If yes, then qualify that particular dream for the next stage.

Do you wish to be more content with life?

The dreams listed and the need they fill must offer some sense of contentment. You must be able to derive joy and fulfillment from your dreams.

Who are you envious of?

Although envy is typically a negative emotion, when used correctly, it can help you to science your goals. Envy can act as the much-needed fuel that will catapult you closer to obtaining your goals in life.

Discover your purpose in life

We all have a purpose in life. Our purpose is larger than our vocation. Once we discover our purpose, we immediately feel like our life has been clarified and simplified. Imagine that you just won the lottery, or a close relative or friend gives you enough money so that you can do whatever you want with your life. Now that money is no object, think about your purpose in life while trying to answer some of the following questions:
What is your purpose in life? What type of life do you want? What would you do with all of your money? What type of person are you? What would you do with your daily life? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What type of work fascinates you? If you could do anything, what would it be?
After you have written down these questions, close your eyes and image your life surrounding these questions right now. Allow your mind to wonder, travel to the infinite world. Let the questions frame your scope of imagination. Remember you are free to dream and better still you are free to imagine. Imagination is taking a mental trip to the desired future seeing how it looks like and enjoying the sights and sounds of it then coming back to the present and working smart to make the imagined future a reality.
After doing this exercise, if you are still unclear about what you are supposed to do in life, then “ask” for it. Regardless of your religious affiliation, pray or meditate for an answer, or simply take a long walk, and think about what your answer should be. The answer may not immediately come to you, but eventually you will know what your path is. After you know your vision in life, you will feel more confident, at ease, and your life will be more enjoyable.

**See the positive side of life**

Everyone views life in a different manner – some of us view it as the glass half full, and others view it as the glass half empty. What we think about happens, and negative thoughts typically create thoughts that are more negative. The same occurs for positive thoughts. When we think in a positive manner, we think about our strengths, gifts, and all of the positive aspects of our life. When we think in a negative manner, we focus on our fears, doubts, and shortcomings. Take your thoughts off the negative path and focus on the positive.
Successful people typically focus on the positive aspects of their life – their dreams, strengths and plans. Unsuccessful people focus on problems and difficulties. Strive to embrace positive thoughts – optimists are happier than the negative thinkers are — they see problems as challenges that they can overcome. In your business, you will do well by expecting the best from it. Do not just live for a paycheck, live for something greater; seek to affect the people you offer your services and products to. Always endeavor to be the best in what you do. Strive to keep your mind focused on the good and positive aspects of everything that you encounter.

Free ebooks

Looking to enhance your business skills and improve your chances of success? Download our FREE eBooks and gain valuable insights into key aspects of entrepreneurship and grant proposal writing.

01. Create a Winning Grant Proposal

This Free eBook provides advice to assist you in compiling essential aspects of your grant proposal.

02. Your Value Proposition

Discover how to craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with your target audience and sets your business apart from the competition.

03. Commercialization Planning for New Products

This Free Ebook includes information on effectively conducting market research, performing a preliminary market assessment, and budget and financial considerations

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